De esas cenizas, fénix nuevo espera;

Mas con tus labios quedn vergonzosos
(que no compiten flores a rubíes)
y pálidos, después, de temerosos.

Y cuando con relámpagos te ríes,
de púrpura, cobardes, si ambiciosos,
marchitan sus blasones carmesíes.

Francisco de Quevedo

sábado, 4 de junio de 2016

Necromancy: The First Era

Though this blog has focused on content generated in spanish, I am proud to announce that my first novel, Necromancy, is soon to be translated. Tomorrow I will add the introduction to the world of Úrim and the first text produced by the narrator, Baltasar Al-Sarrás, on this very same blog. I hope to finish it somewhere between august and september of this very same year, and to upload it to Amazon shortly after so it helps the distribution of its spanish, already published sister, Necromancia.

I want to highlight that, of these novels, Necromancia, written fully in spanish, was the eldest, the first one. Necromancy is its younger sibling. It will bear the same cover and, probably, the same spanish title, NECROMANCIA. All maps and banners will be published online, since the Kindle format cannot convert properly files nor file distribution.

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