De esas cenizas, fénix nuevo espera;

Mas con tus labios quedn vergonzosos
(que no compiten flores a rubíes)
y pálidos, después, de temerosos.

Y cuando con relámpagos te ríes,
de púrpura, cobardes, si ambiciosos,
marchitan sus blasones carmesíes.

Francisco de Quevedo

domingo, 14 de mayo de 2017

Tales of the First Era available on 3 websites!

Today I recieved confirmation from Barnes and Noble: the Tales of the First Era are now available on their store!

You can also find them on, and, of course, on

Don't forget to check the Facebook page of The Great Void once in a while :) I don't post there often, but keep in mind that any and all information there is official.

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